Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Reader Response: "Macavity the Mystery Cat" by T.S. Eliot

1. Opinion-  Macavity is an original poem that uses devices such as humor and alliteration to make up its structure.  It is an interesting poem because the author uses an innocent animal, a cat, to fulfill the villainous character who causes all the trouble in the city.

2. Question-  I would like to ask the author about the types of crimes that were committed by the cat and how Macavity was able to get away with the crimes, each time.  I also wonder if Macavity is considered to be a hero or a villain in each situation because Eliot is not specific about the events throughout the poem.

3. Connection- Eliot's poem is similar to Dr. Seuss' "The Cat in the Hat." Not only is there a prominent rhyming scheme, but Eliot also uses personification to create an anthropomorphic cat.

4. Significance-  This is a very mysterious poem, but it's not just about Macavity committing crimes but also mentions the police trying to capture Macavity. The writer is trying to make fun of the police and their lazy habits since they never accuse the right people and have yet to catch a little cat.  This poem is unique because the cat is given human qualities: "He's broken every human law, he breaks the law of gravity./His powers of levitation would make a fakir stare."  The poem is meant to be humorous and deceiving.

5. Language- Easy to understand and had a rhyme scheme that made the poem more entertaining for people of all ages.  It is a witty poem based on a cat which gives the reader clear imagery about its story.

6. Foreshadowing- the author did a great.job of letting you know that the cat was going to get.away and the way that the author described it you kind of wanted him to. There were little hidden clues but you still were hanging on as an audience member

7. Personification the author used catchy phrases like "macavity is found doing complicated long division sums. As a form of personification to show the reader that he (macavity)was a very slick and sly cat. One that had a very strong wit and charm. And the personification is what was very clever and interesting. I also found it to be the central part of the poem and it was also very very funny.

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